7 Reasons Why Looking After Your Teeth Is More Important Than You Thought

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7 Reasons Why Looking After Your Teeth Is More Important Than You Thought
Image 7 Reasons Why Looking After Your Teeth Is More Important Than You Thought\

Keeping your teeth healthy is important, we all know it. We all know that brushing them every day stops tooth decay, making them look healthy and keep a good breath. As if you need more reasons to keep them, here are seven reasons why doing so is more important than you think.

1. You reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease

If you have bad oral health you can contract periodontal disease, which mengois gums. The bacteria that cause this can make their way into the bloodstream, hardening and cause the plaque build up in the arteries. It is called atherosclerosis and causes blood flow problems and cardiac blockage. You become at risk of suffering from hypertension, stroke, suffer from heart attack, and develop endocarditis, a condition where the heart layer is affected.

2. You reduce the risk of dementia

You've probably heard of gingivitis, but did you know that it can affect your brain? The bacteria that build up when you do not cleanse your teeth can properly spread to the nervous tract or enter the bloodstream.  They kill brain cells and can cause dementia and even Alzheimer's disease. The relationship between oral health and dementia has been seen into the previous, but pointing to gum disease is a recent development.

The body's natural response to plaque Build-up is the same response to any alien invaders. It deploys the immune system to defense. The immune system is constantly being activated as this is what causes inflammation. The brain affected by bacteria and/or debris from the mouth causes immune reactions that can lead to cell death and memory loss.

3. Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications

Pregnant women should also take care of their teeth.  While pregnant, women go through hormonal changes that leave them far more vulnerable to the development of oral infections. Developing oral infections increases the risk of problems during pregnancy. It is possible that pregnant women with Periodonpreis and gingivitis can have premature birth and infants with low birth weight.

So keeping your teeth in this scenario helps prevent serious health problems for mother and child.  Furthermore, there'a links between poor oral health and infertility. Health problems resulting from gum disease can make it difficult for women to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. A woman with bad oral health can actually take longer to become pregnant than a woman with good oral health.

4. Not cleaning your teeth can give erectile dysfunction

Poor oral hygiene from not brushing your teeth can lead to chronic periodontal disease. This occurs when the gums withdraw from the tooth, leaving the chamber where the bacteria can grow to be carried. In this space, the bacteria can spread to the bones around the teeth. You guessed it, they can also get into the bloodstream, causing the veins to become inflamed.  It can obstruct blood flow to the genitals, making it difficult or even impossible to achieve an erection.

5. You can get cancer

Again this comes from periodontal disease. There is research indicating that the bacteria that cause this can also cause some types of cancer, such as pancreatic cancer. This bacterium is called Treponema Denticola. It shares enzymes with some gastrointestinal cancers, such as pancreatic cancer. These enzymes are usually found in the mouth and are the main reinforcing agents in the development of gum disease. Enzymes interfere with the immune system's response to cancer-related enzymes.

It is also possible that not keeping your oral hygiene can cause esophageal cancer. You know that the tube where the food drops from the mouth to the stomach? It started there. Mouth is the Gateway for oral microbiota of micro, bacterial, and other single-cell organisms. Again, it is a disease that they can cause that leads us to cancer. There are outside factors that affect all of this, i.e. your habits like drinking, smoking, and dieting.

6. You can get kidney disease

Gum disease weakens the immune system, making the risk of infection higher. You become at risk for kidney disease. That regardless of kidney affects the heart, bones, and blood pressure.  Kidney disease can cause kidney failure or cardiovascular disease, so this is not a chain of causality that you want to follow.

7. You can develop rheumatoid arthritis

It also comes from inflammation. Oral bacteria from gingivitis spread throughout the body, which can lead to the development of arguing and inflammatory diseases.

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